- Five Tips to Prepare Your Pet for an Unexpected Disaster (September 18, 2024)
- Your Vote Is Their Voice – Vote For The Animals (November 6, 2023)
- Three Big Wins #fortheanimals Of Texas (May 19, 2023)
- The Future Of Rescue Transports At Houston Petset (March 17, 2023)
- Houston Petset Emergency Grant Saves Maverick’s Life (March 16, 2023)
- Keep Pets Safe In The Cold Weather (December 19, 2022)
- Are You Feeling Heroic For The Animals? (December 16, 2022)
- Ending Pet Homelessness One Surgery At A Time (November 22, 2022)
- When Was The Last Time You Visited A Shelter? (November 15, 2022)
- If You And Your Pets Had Nowhere To Go… (November 9, 2022)
- Conversations For The Animals: Dr. Stephen Klineberg & The Kinder Houston Area Survey (October 22, 2022)
- Conversations For The Animals: Covid’s Impact On Animal Welfare (October 22, 2022)
- Houston’s Heartbreaking Homeless Animal Crisis – When Is Enough, Enough? (July 27, 2022)
- Houston Petset’s Culture Of ‘yes’ Saves Mateo The Dog (July 22, 2022)
- As Evictions Continue To Rise, Where Do The Pets Go? (May 29, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Houston Pets Alive! (May 6, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Freedom Street Rescue (April 15, 2022)
- Emma The Kitten Sees A Brighter Future (March 30, 2022)
- For Brave Oz, There’s No Place Like A New Home (March 28, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Lone Star Animal Welfare League (March 25, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Bay Area Pet Adoptions (March 11, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Wolly Kitten Club (February 25, 2022)
- Houston Petset & The Lance Mccullers Jr. Foundation’s Partnership #fortheanimals (February 20, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Cypress Lucky Mutt Rescue (February 11, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: #teamferal (January 28, 2022)
- Houston Petset, Barc, And The City Of Houston Partner To Provide Free Spay/neuter Surgery To Pets Of City Residents (January 27, 2022)
- Meet Houston Petset 2021 Grantees (January 14, 2022)
- Memphis Belle’s Story – A Cautionary Tale (January 3, 2022)
- After So Much Pain, A Better Future For Max (December 14, 2021)
- Gifting Event 2021 (December 9, 2021)
- On Giving Tuesday, You Can Help Support Dogs Like Alice (November 29, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Pearland Parvo Recovery Center (November 12, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Special Pals (September 1, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Citizens For Animal Protection (September 1, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Helping Paws In Chambers County (August 27, 2021)
- Cali’s Story (August 24, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Abandoned Animal Rescue (August 13, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Cape Kitty Rescue (July 29, 2021)
- Meet Adoptable Dog, Stan! (July 29, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Cypress Lucky Mutt (July 27, 2021)
- Henna’s Story (July 21, 2021)
- Birdies For Charity: Make A Pledge For Houston Petset! (July 15, 2021)
- Attempted Pet Napping At Local Store (July 13, 2021)
- Almost 100 Dogs, Cats Bused To Minnesota Leaving Behind Scary Future In A Shelter Or On Houston’s Streets (July 13, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Stretch For Strays (July 2, 2021)
- National Nonprofit Redrover Grants $6,000 To Houston Petset Transport Program (June 30, 2021)
- Update On The Safe Outdoor Dogs Act: Vetoed By Tx Governor (June 23, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Lola’s Lucky Day (June 18, 2021)
- Ktrk: Houston Petset Hosts Animal Food Drive (June 13, 2021)
- Houston Petset On Great Day Houston (June 11, 2021)
- How Did Texas Dogs Fare During The 87th Texas Legislature? (June 4, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Our Pet Project (June 4, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Great Dane Rescue Of Southeast Texas (May 21, 2021)
- Listen To The Premiere Episode Of Conversations For The Animals Today! (May 18, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill Passes The House & Senate! (May 14, 2021)
- A Foster Mom’s “why” On Mother’s Day (May 9, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Animal Justice League (May 7, 2021)
- Kobe Needs A Forever Family! (May 5, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Misconceptions (May 4, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Embedded Collars (May 4, 2021)
- Bill That Would Stop Pet Stores From Selling Animals From Puppy Mills Takes Big Step Towards Becoming Law (April 30, 2021)
- Noodle’s Story (April 30, 2021)
- Oliver’s Story (April 27, 2021)
- Legislation Update: Hb 1818 (April 26, 2021)
- World Veterinary Day (April 24, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Freedom Collie Rescue (April 23, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Adequate Shelter (April 22, 2021)
- Chloe’s Story (April 19, 2021)
- Tuck’s Story (April 18, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society (April 10, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Public Safety (April 9, 2021)
- Houston Rescues Team Up To Help Pet Owners In Need (April 6, 2021)
- Rose’s Story (April 1, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Chances Dog Rescue & Relocation (March 26, 2021)
- How A Foster Transformed The Life Of A Shy Stray Dog (March 24, 2021)
- Kprc: Donation Saves More Than 80 Homeless Animals (March 22, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Pughearts (March 12, 2021)
- Duke’s Story (March 11, 2021)
- Update On Teddy’s Story (March 11, 2021)
- Catcat’s Story (March 7, 2021)
- Dara’s Story (February 26, 2021)
- Meet Houston Petset Grantee Partner: Rescued Pets Movement (February 26, 2021)
- Emergency Transport Saves Local Animals After Historic Storm (February 20, 2021)
- Bob’s Story (February 9, 2021)
- How To Become An Advocate For The Animals During The 87th Texas Legislature (February 4, 2021)
- Teddy Bear Dog Attacked By Pig Needs Your Help (February 3, 2021)
- Advocate For The Animals During The 87th Texas Legislature (January 28, 2021)
- Leyla’s Story (January 28, 2021)
- Fox26 Houston: Proposed Law Aimed At Bad Pet Owners Who Keep Dogs Inhumanely Chained (January 28, 2021)
- It’s A Win, #fortheanimals (January 15, 2021)
- The First Transport Of 2021! (January 8, 2021)
- Maggie’s Story (January 5, 2021)
- Houston Petset’s 2020 Year In Review (January 1, 2021)
- Chip’s Story (December 31, 2020)
- Kira’s Story (December 30, 2020)
- About Houston Petset (December 7, 2020)
- Houston Petset’s Free Spay/neuter Services (December 4, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: Dr. Amy Crum Of Laurel’s House (November 11, 2020)
- Rambo’s Story (November 6, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: Caitie Evers, @caitiesfosterfam (November 6, 2020)
- Conversations With The Candidates: Harris County Commissioner Precinct 3 (October 22, 2020)
- Delta’s Story (October 22, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: Shelby Bobosky Of Texas Humane Legislation Network (October 22, 2020)
- Conversations With The Candidates: Texas House Of Representatives District 148 (October 22, 2020)
- Fox26 Houston: Houston Police Investigating Viral Video Showing Animal Cruelty (October 15, 2020)
- State Commission Deciding If Breeder Licensing Program Should Stay Or Go (October 2, 2020)
- Leelee’s Story (September 30, 2020)
- Ditto’s Story (September 30, 2020)
- What Life Is Like For Houston’s Homeless Animals (September 30, 2020)
- The 2020 Virtual Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (September 30, 2020)
- East End Distribution Day With Barrio Dogs, Emancipet And Houston Humane Society (September 15, 2020)
- Houston Petset’s Interview With Dr. Stephen Klineberg (Long) (September 14, 2020)
- Houston Petset’s Interview With Dr. Stephen Klineberg (Short) (September 14, 2020)
- Maxwell’s Story (July 21, 2020)
- Houston Petset Steps Up To Transport Neglected Animals To Safety (July 21, 2020)
- Winston’s Story (July 20, 2020)
- Grace’s Story (July 20, 2020)
- Fox26 Houston Hometown Heroes: Houston Petset (July 20, 2020)
- Sky’s Story (July 20, 2020)
- Covid-19’s Impact On The Animals (July 20, 2020)
- 60 Neglected Animal Rescued In Conroe Headed To Illinois (July 2, 2020)
- Houston Leads Nation In Dog Attacks On Postal Carriers (June 22, 2020)
- Announcing The 2020 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (June 19, 2020)
- Kprc: Pet Food Donation Drive (June 19, 2020)
- Fox26 Houston: Pet Food Donation Drive Held For Families In Need (June 19, 2020)
- Houston Petset Hosts Pet Food Donation Drive With Bmw Of West Houston (June 12, 2020)
- Houston Petset Launches “pet Protect” Program (May 20, 2020)
- Houston Petset Funds Free, Emergency Veterinary Services For Pet Owners In Need (April 24, 2020)
- Houston Petset’s Takeout & Take Me Home Adoption Campaign (April 14, 2020)
- Preparing For The Next Phases Of Covid-19 (March 31, 2020)
- Newsmax Interviews Tena Lundquist Faust On Covid-19 Animal Welfare Impact (March 30, 2020)
- Animal Welfare Discussion On Styling Social Justice (February 24, 2020)
- Animal Cruelty Cases On The Rise, But So Are Charges Against Abusers (February 20, 2020)
- Houston Petset’s New, Big Red Transport Bus (February 20, 2020)
- Cpyp Volunteer Day At Grass (February 5, 2020)
- Lance Mccullers, Jr. Grants Pet Rescue A $40k Donation (January 27, 2020)
- Lance Mccullers Foundation Grants $40k To Help Save Homeless Animals (January 27, 2020)
- Houston Petset’s 2019 Year In Review (January 2, 2020)
- Houston’s Stray Overpopulation Problem Becomes Issue In Mayoral Race For The First Time (November 21, 2019)
- Houston Petset’s 2019 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (October 31, 2019)
- Houston Petset’s Field Day With Corridor Rescue – Short Clip (October 31, 2019)
- Houston Petset’s “nowhere Man” (September 24, 2019)
- Houston Petset’s Field Documentary With Corridor Rescue (September 17, 2019)
- Highlights Of The 2019 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (September 16, 2019)
- Kara & Lance Mccullers To Be Honored At Houston Petset Soiree (September 14, 2019)
- Lance & Kara Mccullers Honored For Their Work With Houston Petset (September 14, 2019)
- A Conversation For The Animals (July 16, 2019)
- Houston Petset Trying To Get To Core Of Homeless Pet Problem (July 8, 2019)
- About The Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce (June 25, 2019)
- Club Petset Volunteer Day At Barc (June 15, 2019)
- Lawmakers Wrapping Up The Session (May 28, 2019)
- Houston Petset Advocates For Support Of Senate Bill 295 (May 20, 2019)
- Sonny The Rescue Dog Helps Juveniles Mend Emotional Wounds (May 14, 2019)
- Houston Petset Is Honored With House Resolution 1284 (April 24, 2019)
- Houston Petset Advocates For Support Of Sb 295/hb 940 (April 22, 2019)
- Houston Petset Brand Video (January 9, 2019)
- Houston Petset’s Top 10 Accomplishments In 2018 (January 9, 2019)
- Shelter Pet Transport (December 14, 2018)
- Pets Moving To Minneapolis Shelter (December 14, 2018)
- Houston Petset, Barrio Dogs And How I Met My Dog On Fox26 Houston (November 5, 2018)
- The High Flying Transport Sponsored By The Lance Mccullers Jr. Foundation (October 22, 2018)
- The Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce (October 17, 2018)
- Houston Petset’s 2018 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree Video Recap (October 5, 2018)
- Houston Petset’s 2018 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (October 5, 2018)
- Humane Society Of The United States Shelter Ally Transport (August 30, 2018)
- Red Rover Transport (July 27, 2018)
- Boxcar Transport (April 28, 2018)
- Houston’s Animal Homelessness: Problem & Solution (February 12, 2018)
- Huts4mutts Build Day (January 16, 2018)
- 2017 Houston Petset Gifting Event (January 4, 2018)
- Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts (October 31, 2017)
- Houston Petset’s Response To Hurricane Harvey (October 5, 2017)
- Our Gift To Houston (September 27, 2017)
- Rescue, Adopt, Transport (May 22, 2024)
- Grants (May 9, 2024)
- Spay & Neuter (May 9, 2024)
- Out-Of-State Transport (May 9, 2024)
- Podcast (May 9, 2024)
- Press Releases (May 9, 2024)
- News/Media (May 9, 2024)
- Events (May 9, 2024)
- Donate (May 9, 2024)
- Bequests & Estates (May 29, 2024)
- Matching Gifts (May 29, 2024)
- Donate Stock (May 28, 2024)
- Memorial, Tribute & Honorary Gifts (May 28, 2024)
- Houston Petset Hero Monthly Giving (May 28, 2024)
- Services (May 9, 2024)
- Terms Of Service (February 21, 2024)
- Privacy Policy (July 11, 2022)
- Thank you (March 22, 2022)
- Blog (June 5, 2020)
- About (June 3, 2020)
- Community (May 22, 2024)
- Advocacy (May 22, 2024)
- Financials (May 9, 2024)
- Awards (May 9, 2024)
- Houston Petset Team (May 9, 2024)
- Research (May 9, 2024)
- Six Impact Areas (May 9, 2024)
- Who We Are (May 9, 2024)
- Home (May 26, 2017)
- Free Microchip & Vaccine Clinic - 7.7.24 (July 1, 2024)
Board Directors
- Elizabeth Dorey (February 25, 2025)
- Sarah Mills (May 29, 2024)
- Samuel Cooper (May 29, 2024)
- Kourtney Crenshaw (May 29, 2024)
- Jessica Chavarria (May 29, 2024)
- Ellen Weitz (May 28, 2024)
- Duncan Stewart (May 28, 2024)
- Jamie Sparacino (May 28, 2024)
- Sandra Smith Cooper (May 28, 2024)
- Dr. Jonathan Cooper (May 28, 2024)
- Elaine Day (May 28, 2024)
- Ann Kaesermann (May 28, 2024)
- Tama Lundquist (May 28, 2024)
- Tena Lundquist Faust (May 28, 2024)
News and Media
- Joint Press Conference Highlights Critical Link Between Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty (November 7, 2024)
- Houston Area Women’s Center Plans Program to Let Pets Stay with Abuse Survivors (November 5, 2024)
- Domestic Violence and Pet Abuse: A Dangerous Link (November 5, 2024)
- Correlation Between Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty (November 5, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Helps Put a Stop to Pet Homelessness (September 16, 2024)
- Pat Green Suggests Waiting Until You’re Forty to Start Writing Songs (September 16, 2024)
- Music Star, Houston’s Glamour Twins and a Shimmering Crowd Celebrate 20 Years In Style (September 16, 2024)
- Houston area’s 15 most wanted animal cruelty fugitives announced in Anti-Animal Cruelty Initiative (August 5, 2024)
- Nonprofit organizations deliver essential supplies to animal shelters in the wake of Hurricane Beryl (July 29, 2024)
- Frontline Animal Nonprofits Benefit From Houston PetSet (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Modern Luxury Community Spotlight (May 30, 2024)
- Must Love Dogs (May 30, 2024)
- Columbia County boy continues dog rescue efforts with Texas transports (May 30, 2024)
- Chic Houston ladies step up for local animals at stylish soiree (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Astros fan favorite pitches in to help needy locals for Thanksgiving (May 30, 2024)
- Stray Animal Crisis (May 30, 2024)
- Houston’s stray overpopulation problem becomes issue in mayoral race for the first time (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Petset: protecting pets and helping strays live off our streets (May 30, 2024)
- Finding True Love Can Be Ruff, But This Startup Could Have Your Match (May 30, 2024)
- House Resolution 1284 (May 30, 2024)
- Here are the top 11 things to do in Houston this weekend (May 30, 2024)
- Houston’s Hottest Young Professionals Step in to Save Adorable Puppies (May 30, 2024)
- 86th Texas Legislature – Senate Bill 295 and House Bill 940 (May 30, 2024)
- Here are the top 8 things to do in Houston this weekend (May 30, 2024)
- New Texas House Bill Aims To Help Protect Dogs (May 30, 2024)
- Texas lawmakers to vote on bill that provides chained dogs ‘adequate shelter’ during extreme heat, cold (May 30, 2024)
- Sonny the rescue dog helps juveniles mend emotional wounds (May 30, 2024)
- New $9.95 Million River Oaks Mansion Opens its Doors for Homeless Animals (May 30, 2024)
- Local group trying to solve homeless pet problem (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Trying to Get to Core of Homeless Pet Problem (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet holds candidate forum (May 30, 2024)
- Pups and pints mix at these Houston-area pet-friendly bars (May 30, 2024)
- Heartfelt Help for the Helpless (May 30, 2024)
- Animal Advocates Party for a Cause at PetSet’s 15th Annual Bash (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet: For the Animals (May 30, 2024)
- Houston’s Don’t-Miss Fall Parties — 13 Events That Everyone Will be Talking About (May 30, 2024)
- Kara & Lance McCullers to be Honored at Houston PetSet Soiree (May 30, 2024)
- Lance & Kara McCullers Honored for Their Work With Houston PetSet (May 30, 2024)
- Lance McCullers Jr. and His Wife Fight for Animals, Push to Make Houston a No-Kill City (May 30, 2024)
- Lance McCullers, Jr. Grants Pet Rescue a $40K Donation (May 30, 2024)
- Lance McCullers Foundation Grants $40K to Help Save Homeless Animals (May 30, 2024)
- State commission deciding if breeder licensing program should stay or go (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet: saving animals during the pandemic (May 30, 2024)
- Police investigating viral video of Houston woman kicking, beating whimpering dog (May 30, 2024)
- Gala Virtual de Houston PetSet (May 30, 2024)
- PetSet Celebrates With Virtual Gala Watch Party (May 30, 2024)
- Free Spay/Neuters for COVID Relief (May 30, 2024)
- Fourteenth Annual Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (May 30, 2024)
- BARC Animal Shelter hosting two major events to provide pandemic relief for pet owners (May 30, 2024)
- CW39 (May 30, 2024)
- KHOU 11 (May 30, 2024)
- Here’s how to help your fellow Houstonians during the holiday season (May 30, 2024)
- More Than 90 Animals to Be Transported Today (May 30, 2024)
- Culture Map (May 30, 2024)
- The Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Houston animal charities offer free pet treatment for locals in need (May 30, 2024)
- A Life to Live (May 30, 2024)
- The Ten Most Wanted Harris County Animal Cruelty Suspects (May 30, 2024)
- Animals Looking for Homes (May 30, 2024)
- It Takes a Village (May 30, 2024)
- Animal cruelty cases on the rise, but so are charges against abusers (May 30, 2024)
- Dog killed after shot in neck by arrow (May 30, 2024)
- Pet Rescue Organizations Come Together To Save 90 Lives (May 30, 2024)
- “How I Met My Dog” (May 30, 2024)
- 227 Animals seized from Katy area home in Fort Bend County (May 30, 2024)
- Dog Days (May 30, 2024)
- U.S. Animal Shelters Struggle During COVID-19 Crisis (May 30, 2024)
- Nonprofits Providing Relief for Struggling Pet Owners (May 30, 2024)
- Non-profits offer free mobile veterinary services to those in need (May 30, 2024)
- Non-Profit Helps Restaurants and Animals (May 30, 2024)
- Restaurants, non-profit pair up to help homeless pets with Takeout & Take Me Home program (May 30, 2024)
- Animal Instincts (May 30, 2024)
- PetSet Soiree Raises $500,000 (May 30, 2024)
- Sick or injured pet? Free mobile veterinary clinic treating Houston pets in need of urgent care (May 30, 2024)
- Shelter Pet Transport (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet supports animal welfare nonprofits through grants (May 30, 2024)
- New service protects Houston pets suffering from domestic violence (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet program offers free animal boarding for victims of domestic violence (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet program offers free animal boarding for victims of domestic violence (May 30, 2024)
- River Oaks Living (May 30, 2024)
- The Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- KHOU 2 (May 30, 2024)
- Houstonia (May 30, 2024)
- Houston nonprofit launches free pet boarding program to aid survivors of domestic violence (May 30, 2024)
- Nonprofit Houston PetSet brings boarding initiative to Westbury Animal Hospital (May 30, 2024)
- Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist of Houston PetSet (May 30, 2024)
- Montgomery County Police Reporter (May 30, 2024)
- CW 39 (May 30, 2024)
- Constable, Crime Stoppers discuss Houston-area animal abuse (May 30, 2024)
- Click2Houston (May 30, 2024)
- Non-profit helpings pets from abusive homes (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Help for domestic abuse victims who won’t leave out of fear for their pets (May 30, 2024)
- Harris County Animal Cruelty Task Force credits spike in cases to pandemic, domestic abuse (May 30, 2024)
- Pets face increased danger of abuse (May 30, 2024)
- Great Day Great Deeds: Houston PetSet (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet, BMW of West Houston collecting pet food for owners in need due to COVID-19 (May 30, 2024)
- Pets Moving to Minneapolis Shelter (May 30, 2024)
- The Montgomery County Courier (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Hosts Pet Food Donation Drive with BMW of West Houston (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- KHOU (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Hosts Animal Food Drive (May 30, 2024)
- Pet Food Donation Drive Held for Families in Need of Supplies (May 30, 2024)
- CultureMap (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Pet Food Donation Drive (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- CultureMap (May 30, 2024)
- Houston leads nation in dog attacks on postal carriers (May 30, 2024)
- Many in Houston Needing Pet Food (May 30, 2024)
- KHOU (May 30, 2024)
- Around H-Town: Houston PetSet (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Get Set to PetSet (May 30, 2024)
- Harris County shelter animals headed to Oklahoma for adoption (May 30, 2024)
- Harris County Animal Shelter gets helping hand from groups in Tulsa (May 30, 2024)
- Program aims to alleviate overcrowding at Houston animal shelters (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet + Petco Foundation’s Hurricane Laura Emergency Airplane Transport (May 30, 2024)
- 70 Animals from Harris County Shelter Headed to Shelter in Tulsa (May 30, 2024)
- Preventing Animal Cruelty with Newly Launched Taskforce (May 30, 2024)
- 200 Homeless Animals Flown to Virginia Ahead of Laura (May 30, 2024)
- Most of Port Arthur Has Evacuated (May 30, 2024)
- Local Nonprofit Teams Up with National Foundation to Help Homeless Animals Fly to Safety in Advance of Hurricane Laura (May 30, 2024)
- Hundreds of Local Shelter Animals Being Evacuated to East Coast (May 30, 2024)
- Pets escape Hurricane Laura to be adopted in Virginia (May 30, 2024)
- Hundreds of dogs, cats need fostering as Hurricane Laura approaches (May 30, 2024)
- Homeless Animals in Texas Shelters Fly to Richmond Ahead of Hurricane Laura (May 30, 2024)
- ‘No one can go it alone’ | Lucky Dog rescues 20 pets from Houston ahead of Hurricane Laura (May 30, 2024)
- 200 Houston-area homeless furry friends fly to safety as Hurricane Laura advances (May 30, 2024)
- The Practicalities of Partnerships for Social Change (May 30, 2024)
- Shelter Pets Find Forever Home (May 30, 2024)
- Animals Bound for New Homes (May 30, 2024)
- The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of Houston News (May 30, 2024)
- Here are the top 6 things to do in Houston this weekend (May 30, 2024)
- Peeking Into the Homes of Houston’s Biggest Animal Lovers (May 30, 2024)
- Two “Barks Up” Four Houston PetSet’s Virtual “Fierce & Fabulous Soiree” (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet’s 2020 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (May 30, 2024)
- Chic and stylish Houstonians get fierce and fabulous for $200,000 PetSet soiree (May 30, 2024)
- Ruff times in Texas: Pequot shelter takes in strays from flooded Houston (May 30, 2024)
- Animal Cruelty Taskforce credited with saving hundreds of animals (May 30, 2024)
- Animal abuse crackdown saves lives (May 30, 2024)
- Animal Cruelty Taskforce to announce number of cases solved in Houston area (May 30, 2024)
- Proposed law aimed at bad pet owners who keep dogs inhumanely chained (May 30, 2024)
- Fierce and fab Houstonians party like animals for four-legged friends (May 30, 2024)
- Houston to require microchips for dogs and cats, ban pet shops from using ‘puppy mill’ breeders (May 30, 2024)
- Soirees and ball gowns; see photos of the dazzling start to Houston society season (May 30, 2024)
- Siemens Energy Donates $250k Through Positive Energy Campaign (May 30, 2024)
- Party animals raise record $500,000 at the Post Oak for Houston PetSet’s Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (May 30, 2024)
- Rescue Pets Outshine a Glamorous Crowd at Houston’s Hottest New Hotel (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet: Advocating for streets safe from strays and an end to cruelty towards animals (May 30, 2024)
- Here are the top 11 things to do in Houston this weekend (May 30, 2024)
- ABC 13 (May 30, 2024)
- The Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Cat Nips (May 30, 2024)
- The Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Houston TV anchors Lisa Hernandez, Mayra Moreno and Owen Conflenti show off the magic of rescue dogs (May 30, 2024)
- KARE – NBC (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Helping Homeless Animals (May 30, 2024)
- PaperCity Magazine (May 30, 2024)
- Houston experts share best ways to protect your home, car, pets, and plants from the upcoming freeze (May 30, 2024)
- KSTP – ABC5 (May 30, 2024)
- Paper City Magazine (May 30, 2024)
- River Oaks Living (May 30, 2024)
- Lance McCullers Jr. and His Wife Kara, Other Astros Stars Jump In To Help Hurting Houstonians (May 30, 2024)
- Astros players band together to aid Houston (May 30, 2024)
- Astros Foundation, Astros players, Crane Worldwide support Houston in winter storm recovery (May 30, 2024)
- Press Release (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Astros Foundation, players support Houston in winter storm recovery (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Public Media (May 30, 2024)
- Paper City Magazine (May 30, 2024)
- Game Changer Wants to End Pet Homelessness and Suffering (May 30, 2024)
- Animal shelters celebrate adoption milestones, records during pandemic (May 30, 2024)
- Donation Saves More Than 80 Homeless Animals (May 30, 2024)
- (May 30, 2024)
- Ready, PetSet, Go: Texas, Minnesota animal shelters partner to rescue distressed pets (May 30, 2024)
- ABC 13 Eyewitness News (May 30, 2024)
- Winter storm Uri recovery pet food distribution event on Monday (May 30, 2024)
- Here are the top 12 things to do in Houston this weekend (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Bill that would stop pet stores from selling animals from puppy mills takes big step towards becoming law (May 30, 2024)
- House Bill 1818 Passes the House, Onto the Senate (May 30, 2024)
- Katy pet store accused of sourcing puppies from “Horrible Hundred” puppy mills (May 30, 2024)
- A close up look at a northeast side area called the ‘Corridor of Cruelty’ (May 30, 2024)
- Inside Houston’s “Corridor of Cruelty” (May 30, 2024)
- Homeless Animals Transported to Midwest Organizations (May 30, 2024)
- Almost 100 dogs, cats bused to Minnesota leaving behind scary future in a shelter or on Houston’s streets (May 30, 2024)
- TX Governor Vetoes Animal Cruelty Bill (May 30, 2024)
- Advocates angry over Abbott’s animal cruelty bill veto (May 30, 2024)
- Animal Activists Shocked After Governor Vetoes Legislation (May 30, 2024)
- Animal advocates feel blindsided after governor vetoes bill to expand animal cruelty laws (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet’s Mission (May 30, 2024)
- Houston PetSet on Great Day Houston (May 30, 2024)
- BARC Volunteer Mourned (May 30, 2024)
- Houston’s animal advocate community mourn loss of 61-year-old man who saved the lives of thousands of dogs (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle (May 30, 2024)
- Houston Culture Map (May 30, 2024)
- Paper City (May 30, 2024)
- Mascotas de Houston Parten Buscando Un Nuevo Hogar (May 29, 2024)
- Girl Scout Gold Award (May 29, 2024)
- Houston TV News Host and Philanthropic Angel Make Powerful Statements For Animals at PetSet Gala (May 29, 2024)
- 11 best September events no savvy Houston socialite should miss (May 29, 2024)
- A Polished, Posh Crowd Fetes the Twin Sisters of PetSet and Their Animal-Loving Cause (May 29, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Co-Presidents Honored as Two of Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women by Houston Woman Magazine (May 29, 2024)
- Houston PetSet and Sir Darius Brown Send Pets to Minnesota in Style (May 29, 2024)
- Houston PetSet is Here for the Animals (May 29, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Featured in Redfin Article About Renting with Pets (May 29, 2024)
- Houston PetSet’s Fierce & Fabulous Soirée Kickoff Party in Paper City Magazine (May 29, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Serves Over 400 Families at Free Pet Microchip Event (May 29, 2024)
- Houston’s Stray Animal Overpopulation Getting Worse (May 29, 2024)
- Houston Chronicle Stray Animal Crisis Op-Ed (May 29, 2024)
- Houston PetSet Co-Presidents’ Documentary Featured in People Magazine (August 8, 2023)
- Houston PetSet Honored by Harris County Commissioners Court (April 25, 2023)
- Humane Pet Store Ordinance Goes Into Effect in Houston (January 18, 2023)
- Houston PetSet, BARC, and the City of Houston partner to provide free spay/neuter surgery to pets of city residents (January 27, 2022)
- Almost 100 dogs, cats bused to Minnesota leaving behind scary future in a shelter or on Houston’s streets (July 13, 2021)
- Attempted Pet Napping at Local Store (July 13, 2021)
- Houston PetSet on Great Day Houston (June 11, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Misconceptions (May 4, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Embedded Collars (May 4, 2021)
- Bill that would stop pet stores from selling animals from puppy mills takes big step towards becoming law (April 30, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Adequate Shelter (April 22, 2021)
- The Safe Outdoor Dogs Bill & Public Safety (April 9, 2021)
- KPRC: Donation Saves More Than 80 Homeless Animals (March 22, 2021)
- Advocate For The Animals During the 87th Texas Legislature (January 28, 2021)
- FOX26 Houston: Proposed law aimed at bad pet owners who keep dogs inhumanely chained (January 28, 2021)
- Houston PetSet’s 2020 Year in Review (January 1, 2021)
- About Houston PetSet (December 7, 2020)
- Houston PetSet’s Free Spay/Neuter Services (December 4, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: Dr. Amy Crum of Laurel’s House (November 11, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: Caitie Evers, @caitiesfosterfam (November 6, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: COVID’s Impact on Animal Welfare (October 22, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: Shelby Bobosky of Texas Humane Legislation Network (October 22, 2020)
- Conversations For The Animals: Dr. Stephen Klineberg & The Kinder Houston Area Survey (October 22, 2020)
- Conversations With The Candidates: Harris County Commissioner Precinct 3 (October 22, 2020)
- Conversations With The Candidates: Texas House of Representatives District 148 (October 22, 2020)
- FOX26 Houston: Houston Police Investigating Viral Video Showing Animal Cruelty (October 15, 2020)
- State commission deciding if breeder licensing program should stay or go (October 2, 2020)
- What Life Is Like for Houston’s Homeless Animals (September 30, 2020)
- East End Distribution Day with Barrio Dogs, Emancipet and Houston Humane Society (September 15, 2020)
- Houston PetSet’s Interview with Dr. Stephen Klineberg (short) (September 14, 2020)
- Houston PetSet’s Interview with Dr. Stephen Klineberg (long) (September 14, 2020)
- FOX26 Houston Hometown Heroes: Houston PetSet (July 10, 2020)
- 60 Neglected Animal Rescued in Conroe Headed to Illinois (July 2, 2020)
- Houston leads nation in dog attacks on postal carriers (June 22, 2020)
- Announcing the 2020 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (June 19, 2020)
- KTRK: Houston PetSet Hosts Animal Food Drive (June 19, 2020)
- KPRC: Pet Food Donation Drive (June 19, 2020)
- FOX26 Houston: Pet Food Donation Drive Held for Families in Need (June 19, 2020)
- Houston PetSet Hosts Pet Food Donation Drive with BMW of West Houston (June 12, 2020)
- Houston PetSet Launches “Pet Protect” Program (May 20, 2020)
- Houston PetSet Funds Free, Emergency Veterinary Services for Pet Owners in Need (April 24, 2020)
- Houston PetSet’s Takeout & Take Me Home Adoption Campaign (April 14, 2020)
- Preparing for the Next Phases of COVID-19 (March 31, 2020)
- Newsmax Interviews Tena Lundquist Faust on COVID-19 Animal Welfare Impact (March 30, 2020)
- Animal Welfare Discussion on Styling Social Justice (February 24, 2020)
- Animal cruelty cases on the rise, but so are charges against abusers (February 20, 2020)
- Houston PetSet’s New, Big Red Transport Bus (February 20, 2020)
- Houston PetSet & The Lance McCullers Jr. Foundation’s Partnership #ForTheAnimals (February 20, 2020)
- CPYP Volunteer Day at GRASS (February 5, 2020)
- Lance McCullers, Jr. Grants Pet Rescue a $40K Donation (January 27, 2020)
- Lance McCullers Foundation Grants $40K to Help Save Homeless Animals (January 27, 2020)
- Houston PetSet’s 2019 Year in Review (January 2, 2020)
- Houston’s Stray Overpopulation Problem Becomes Issue in Mayoral Race for the First Time (November 21, 2019)
- Houston PetSet’s Field Day with Corridor Rescue – Short Clip (October 31, 2019)
- Houston PetSet’s 2019 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (October 31, 2019)
- Houston PetSet’s “Nowhere Man” (September 24, 2019)
- Houston PetSet’s Field Documentary with Corridor Rescue (September 17, 2019)
- Highlights of the 2019 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (September 16, 2019)
- Kara & Lance McCullers to be Honored at Houston PetSet Soiree (September 14, 2019)
- Lance & Kara McCullers Honored for Their Work With Houston PetSet (September 14, 2019)
- A Conversation For the Animals (July 16, 2019)
- Houston PetSet Trying to Get to Core of Homeless Pet Problem (July 8, 2019)
- About the Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce (June 25, 2019)
- Club PetSet Volunteer Day at BARC (June 15, 2019)
- Lawmakers Wrapping Up the Session (May 28, 2019)
- Houston PetSet Advocates for Support of Senate Bill 295 (May 20, 2019)
- Sonny the rescue dog helps juveniles mend emotional wounds (May 14, 2019)
- Houston PetSet is Honored with House Resolution 1284 (April 24, 2019)
- Houston PetSet Advocates for Support of SB 295/HB 940 (April 22, 2019)
- Houston PetSet’s Top 10 Accomplishments in 2018 (January 9, 2019)
- Houston PetSet Brand Video (January 9, 2019)
- Shelter Pet Transport (December 14, 2018)
- Pets Moving to Minneapolis Shelter (December 14, 2018)
- Houston PetSet, Barrio Dogs and How I Met My Dog on FOX26 Houston (November 5, 2018)
- The High Flying Transport Sponsored by The Lance McCullers Jr. Foundation (October 22, 2018)
- The Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce (October 17, 2018)
- Houston PetSet’s 2018 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (October 5, 2018)
- Houston PetSet’s 2018 Fierce & Fabulous Soiree (October 5, 2018)
- Humane Society of the United States Shelter Ally Transport (August 30, 2018)
- Red Rover Transport (July 27, 2018)
- Boxcar Transport (April 28, 2018)
- Houston’s Animal Homelessness: Problem & Solution (February 12, 2018)
- Houston PetSet’s Response to Hurricane Harvey (October 5, 2017)
- 6026 Chimney Rock Rd, Houston, (March 12, 2025)
- 604 Highlands Woods Dr, Highlands, TX 77562 (March 12, 2025)
- 409 Hare Road, Crosby, TX 77532 (March 12, 2025)
- 129 County Rd 146, Alvin, TX 77511, USA (December 26, 2024)
- Santa Fe Administration Bldg (October 28, 2024)
- Carl Barton Jr. Park Pavillion (October 1, 2024)
- Ecclesia Church (October 1, 2024)
- Pet Supplies Plus - Braes Heights (July 1, 2024)
- The Post Oak Hotel (May 23, 2024)
- Grace Presbyterian Church (May 22, 2024)
- Ray Miller Park (May 22, 2024)
- The Street Dog Coalition (October 1, 2024)
- Highlands, TX - Spay & Neuter Clinic (March 12, 2025)
- Crosby Vaccine & Microchip Clinic (March 12, 2025)
- $5 Microchip/Vaccine Event (December 26, 2024)
- Cleveland Spay Day & Pet Pantry with Houston Humane Society (October 28, 2024)
- Purple Paws for a Cause (October 1, 2024)
- Street Dog Coalition Collaboration (October 1, 2024)
- CANCELED Free Microchip & Vaccine Clinic (July 1, 2024)
- 2024 Fierce & Fabulous Soirée (May 23, 2024)
- Movie Night: Lyle Lyle Crocodile (May 22, 2024)
- Free Community Microchip & Vaccine Events for Dogs & Cats (May 22, 2024)