Your Vote Is Their Voice – Vote For The Animals

November 6th, 2023

Your Vote is Their Voice – #VoteForTheAnimals

When it works as intended, representative democracy gives voice to the masses and allows all who are impacted by laws to participate in their formation. But not all those who are impacted are able to vote – namely, the animals who share our homes and depend on us for survival. As an animal welfare organization that advocates for an end to the suffering of companion animals, Houston PetSet works closely with elected officials to design and implement legislation that will improve the lives of the pets that bring Texans so much joy. But we can’t do it alone.

In order to give voice to the voiceless, Houston PetSet and our supporters call on all Houstonians to research the voting history and campaign platforms of candidates to see what they have done to help the animals of our great city. We recently hosted a mayoral candidate forum on animal welfare and showed the community that we mean business when it comes to making this city safer and more humane for pets.

Recent victories for the animals of Houston and beyond include the passage of the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act which bans the use of chains and requires proper shelter for pets kept outside. Locally, we celebrated the Humane Pet Store ordinance requiring pet stores to sell animals sourced from humane organizations rather than puppy mills. There is so much more work to do to get Houston on the right track, which is why it is so important to Vote for the Animals. Your vote is their voice!

Action Item: Visit to see who your candidates are, and search their social media presence to see whether they have attended or supported animal welfare initiatives in Houston!

Lisa Tynan