Sometimes, even with the best of intentions, kind animal lovers can get in over their heads. Such begins the story of Alice, a stray who was taken in by a couple who then became overwhelmed with too many pets.

This timid girl tugged at the heart strings of the animal rescuers who stepped in to help, so they gently led her away from the chaos and into a new life. Sweet Alice started to come out of her shell in the care of her loving foster home, and then got the chance to be socialized even more in a fantastic boarding facility. In fact, this is where we learned what a truly special dog Alice is.
A young woman in Colorado reached out to Houston PetSet to inquire about a dog she’d heard of that was in our care. She was in the market for an emotional support dog, and thought he might be a good fit. But our team thought about Alice and her quiet, soft demeanor and decided to do some matchmaking.

Her caretakers at the boarding facility told us a story about how one of them became upset during a meeting and, sensing his distress, Alice grabbed a blanket and laid it across his feet, sitting down beside him to calm him down. And that’s when we knew, Alice was destined to be an emotional support dog.
Despite starting her life as a stray and finding herself in a tragic hoarding situation, Alice never lost her caring nature. And because we saw something special in her, Alice is now somebody’s best friend and confidant, a steady presence in a stressful world. She’s even attending college classes, winning the hearts of everyone she meets.
Without your support, dogs like Alice wouldn’t get to fulfill their destinies. To be loved, to be pampered, to be someone’s everything. Please consider a donation on behalf of Alice for Giving Tuesday 2021.