Five Tips to Prepare Your Pet for an Unexpected Disaster

September 18th, 2024

September is National Preparedness Month which makes it an ideal time to prepare your family and loved ones for emergencies like the natural disasters we are prone to here in Houston. As you develop these plans it’s critical to include your companion animals to keep them safe, secure, and healthy during a crisis. Here are a few steps you can take today to prepare for the unexpected.

1. Compile a Pet Emergency Kit
When you must evacuate quickly, it’s essential to have a kit compiled to ensure you have the basics on hand for your pet, including:

Food and Water: Pack enough non-perishable food and clean water for at least 3-7 days.

Medications and Medical Records:
Keep a supply of any necessary medications and a physical copy of your pet’s medical records, including vaccination history.

First Aid Kit:
Include pet-specific items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any tools recommended by your vet.

Comfort Items:
Pack your pet’s favorite toys, bedding, or a blanket to help reduce stress during an emergency.

2. Proactively identify safe spaces
Know where you can go with your pet in case of evacuation. Some storm shelters and emergency accommodations allow pets, but not all do. Research and identify pet-friendly hotels or out-of-town family members who can provide a haven if needed. This is particularly important for farm animals.

3. Update Microchips and ID Tags
Getting your pet microchipped is an important step to ensure safety in case of disaster. A microchip can help reunite you with your pet if you become separated. Additionally, ensure your pet wears a collar with an ID tag that includes your current contact information. This step is crucial for quick identification and recovery.

4. Plan for Special Needs
If your pet has special needs or medical conditions, make sure your emergency plan accounts for these. This might involve extra medications, special diets, or mobility aids. Discuss your plan with your veterinarian to ensure you’re prepared for any unique needs your pet might have.

5. Keep Important Documents Handy
Store important documents, such as your pet’s medical records, adoption papers, and proof of ownership, in a waterproof and easily accessible container. This will be valuable if you need to seek veterinary care or prove ownership in an emergency. Another important step is to keep your pet well-groomed and up to date on vaccinations.

A healthy pet is less likely to experience additional stress or complications during a disaster. Disasters can strike quickly, especially in a state like Texas. Due to our size and location, Texas is one of the most disaster-prone states at risk of hurricanes, tornados, floods, and fires. You may need to evacuate and be prepared to be away from home for days or even weeks. Being prepared is a sign of love and responsibility. Take the time this month to get your pet’s emergency plan in place—it’s a crucial step in keeping your entire family safe.